Dates are a good substitute for candy
Dates came to the USA from the East. The date palm began to be cultivated in ancient Mesopotamia 6,000 years ago, gradually these fruits were transported with travelers and warriors from the East to the West. In Japan, dates are considered to be the healthiest of dried fruits.
It is in this country that they are sure that this dried fruit prolongs a person’s youth. Also, it was in Japan that it was proved that even if a person eats only water and dates alone for several years, there will be no harm to the body. Let’s see what dates bring to the body – benefit or harm?
Composition and benefits:
Dates contain little water, which makes them different from other fruits. Dates contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and minerals. It is believed that if you eat a dozen dates, you can normalize the required amount of sulfur, magnesium, copper, and half of the iron. These dried fruits contain amino acids that are not found in other fruits. In addition, they contain vitamins. And dates are simply irreplaceable because they do not contain cholesterol.
If you want to avoid heart disease, support your heart muscles, normalize the circulatory system, eat more of these fruits. Dates can also reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease, but also increase immunity, because they contain a lot of fluorine.
Dates contain fructose and glucose, which are absorbed rather quickly, and this is necessary in order to quickly recuperate. Fructose improves brain activity and relieves stress. Dates not only have a positive effect on the body as a whole but in particular. For example, they purify the blood of men and have a positive effect on their potency. It is necessary to take into account the fact that dates can harm the figure. Due to the fact that these dried fruits contain coarse fibers, it is advisable not to use them or reduce them for those who have stomach and intestinal problems. People with diabetes should not use them either.
Benefits for pregnant women:
Dates are carbohydrate food, which means that they help to strengthen a person’s immune system and recover from an illness. Dates are also useful for pregnant women, but not only during the entire pregnancy but also during the period when a woman is preparing for childbirth. The positive properties of this dried fruit include such a property that it can enrich the body not only of a pregnant woman but also the body of the fetus. In this case, the child will receive all the nutrients that his mother did. If a pregnant woman constantly eats dates, then she can be calm about the development of her unborn child, because together with dates, the child’s body receives the necessary amount of nutrients that are needed for the development of the baby.
Perhaps, the benefits and harms of dates can only be disputed by patients with diabetes mellitus, because dates, in terms of sugar content, are considered the sweetest fruits, in which 66% are disaccharides, but they are perfectly absorbed by the body. When purchasing these dried fruits, it is necessary to take into account that they must be free from mold spots, rot, without sugar crystals on the surface of the fruit, and they must be ripe. If, when choosing dates, you take into account all these points, then buy this most useful of dried fruits, which can prolong youth.