Photo by Karolina Grabowska on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The composition of the curd and its properties

Curd is a very important product for the life of the human body. In this article, we will find out whether cottage cheese is useful or, on the contrary, harmful. This fermented milk product has been known for a long time, because it contains the necessary amount of calcium, which is rich in calcium, proteins, amino acids so necessary for the growth and development of children, strengthening bones, teeth, nails, and hair. Curd is made from sour milk – curdled milk, which is heated in the oven, and it “rolls up” – it breaks down into curd curds and whey. After that, the cottage cheese is squeezed out – and the more carefully it is squeezed, the drier it turns out. This fermented milk product can be combined with kefir, sour cream, yogurt, milk. Often children are asked to cook cottage cheese by mixing it with sugar, jam, fruits, berries. For the preparation of casseroles, cheesecakes, cottage cheese is used juicier. Like any product, cottage cheese has a number of useful qualities and has its drawbacks when absorbed by the body.

Is cottage cheese healthy?

The benefits of cottage cheese are quick and easy digestibility and is an optimally balanced product. Due to the high protein content, biochemical reactions are accelerated, when using cottage cheese, allergic reactions can be avoided or significantly reduced, immunity increases, and body fatigue decreases. Although many other foods are known that contain a large amount of protein, cottage cheese is more easily absorbed by the body, while spending much less energy than when assimilating the same meat or legumes. The cottage cheese contains vital amino acids, hormones, fats, and vitamins (A, B, C, D, Zn, and others). Amino acids in the human body are not independently produced in sufficient quantities; fats are a reserve source of energy and an excellent diabetic product; mineral elements regulate the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and vitamin B supports good vision; vitamin D (calciferol) regulates the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the body.

soft cottage cheese spread on bun with vegetable
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Cottage cheese is an important ingredient in the menu for pregnant and lactating mothers – the embryo needs a sufficient amount of protein, iron, and vitamins necessary for its development. A small amount of carbohydrates in curd contributes to their rapid processing, which creates less stress on the liver and other internal organs. Despite the apparent benefits of eating cottage cheese, this fermented milk product must be consumed in moderation, especially when using fatty cottage cheese. Since the product is highly concentrated, cottage cheese should be present in the human menu no more than 2-3 times a week. The daily norm of cottage cheese is on average 250 g per day. More use of cottage cheese can lead to a violation of the calcium-phosphorus ratio, upset the gastrointestinal tract. Improper storage of cottage cheese and cottage cheese with an expired shelf life should not be eaten, since bacteria are formed in it, which contributes to the fermentation and decomposition of the product. Sweet curds and curds, in which various fillings and creams, emulsifiers, and preservatives are added, do not bring any benefit when used, but only increase the calorie content of the product. You should eat only natural cottage cheese, adding only fresh fruits to it for a piquant taste.

So is cottage cheese useful – yes, this product is a building material for the structure and strengthening of bones, maintaining the body in good shape, easy digestibility, a source of protein, vitamins, and amino acids? All this is extremely important to take into account and understand that the benefits and harms of cottage cheese depend on its freshness and proper preparation.

By Amelia