7 applications that will help you during the exams period (2021)
7 applications that will help you during the exams period (2021)

The end of the school year is considered a stressful stage for most students of different academic levels, due to the pressures caused by successive exams and tests that may not allow you to breathe and relax. This prompts many to look for ways and means to relieve this pressure and better manage this period of their lives.

And lucky for you, modern technology is here to help! In today’s article, we’ll show you 7 of the best apps that every student needs during the exam period. This helps you balance and balance your daily life with your academic obligations to make the exam season a stress-free time and ensure you get better grades.

1- First application: Evernote

Evernote App
Tame your work, organize your life

Evernote is a powerful tool that can help executives, entrepreneurs and creative people capture and arrange their ideas. All you have to do is use it.


This app is considered one of the best note-taking apps on the internet. It is equipped with a lot of features that make it easy to take notes and make notes.

Evernote is compatible with most computers and smartphones and allows you to do the following:

  • Write the note with a digital pen.
  • Print sentences and paragraphs.
  • Record voice notes.
  • Take pictures.

And when you’re done, you can store all those notes on any cloud service so you can access them anywhere, anytime. This way, you can review your lessons and prepare for your exam more easily and at any time.

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2- The second application: Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro Timer website
An online Pomodoro Timer to boost your productivity

Do you have an upcoming test? Then this application is for you because the Pomodoro technique is the most effective for accomplishing tasks that require a strong concentration.

The principle of this technique is to concentrate for continuous periods of 25 minutes, punctuated by several breaks to activate the mind and elevate your abilities. Pomodoro apps help you organize your break times and make better use of study time, which greatly helps reduce procrastination and procrastination.

(exe file)
(zip file)

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3- The third application: Any.do

 Any.do app
Any.do app

This smartphone-compatible app is an elegant calendar that allows you to plan your day according to the schedule of your choice.

You can create a to-do list to keep track of your most important study habits or set a reminder to make sure you never forget an important exam or review session.

Although this application is similar to many time management tools available on the Internet, the most important thing that sets it apart is that you can use it on your phone, computer, or tablet without any difficulty, and without needing different applications for each device separately.

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4- Fourth Application: Sleep Cycle

 Sleep Cycle app
Sleep Cycle app

Let’s face it, getting enough sleep during exam periods can be a luxury that very few students get. If you suffer from sleep deprivation during exam periods, and it is difficult for you to allocate enough hours to sleep, you should at least make the process of waking up easier, and here the SleepCycle app will be a great solution.

All you have to do is download the app and place the phone near you while you sleep, the app will monitor your sleep patterns and make sure you wake up during the light sleep phase, giving you an energized feeling during the day even if you don’t have enough hours of sleep.

5- Fifth application: Stop, Breathe & think

Start Your Mindfulness Journey with MyLife™
Start Your Mindfulness Journey with MyLife™

It is very difficult to be productive if you are in a constant battle with stress and anxiety. Stop, Breathe & Think helps you think more about your thought process and encourages you to be more positive when the long school nights start to frustrate you.

This app is a great choice for meditation and relaxation with its many tools that help you track your progress and stay informed about your mental and emotional health over time.

6- Sixth app: Sworkit

Fitness Made Simple with SWORKIT
Fitness Made Simple with SWORKIT

When you’re overwhelmed with studying and exam preparation, you may feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to finish your studies or make time to exercise.

But staying active during exam time isn’t as impossible as you think. Sworkit will help you make time for your workout and make full use of it even if it’s only 5 minutes. This ensures that you graduate with a healthy body and an educated mind at the same time!

All you have to do is enter the length of time you want to exercise, and then specify the type of exercise you prefer (weight training, yoga, cardio …etc.). The application will then provide you with a guide of the best moves and exercises you can do during that time. You can link this app to your smart mobile devices, which allows you to track weight loss and other fitness information.

7- The seventh application: My Fitness Pal

Calorie Counter - MyFitnessPal
Calorie Counter – MyFitnessPal

While it’s important to maintain a daily exercise routine during exams, you also need to make sure you’re providing your body with healthy and nutritious food.

Put away the pizzas and burgers and download the MyFitnessPal app to count calories and learn more about getting all the minerals and vitamins you need for a healthy diet.

Of course, be sure to include enough vegetables and fruit and drink enough water to protect yourself from dehydration and increase your concentration.

By Amelia