There are a lot of words, and just mindless memorization is absolutely ineffective here. To learn German text quickly, you need to have a good understanding of its content.

How to quickly learn German text?

  1. To do this, first we translate the German text, delve into its meaning.
  2. The next step is to divide the German text into logical parts.

This point is especially important if the text is large. Moreover, it is necessary to separate according to the meaning, and not according to paragraphs. That is, it is quite possible to combine two paragraphs into one if they cover the same issue.

  1. Next, you must come up with a title for each part of the German text.

The title should be short and contain the main information of the part. Thus, by giving names to each fragment, you will get a text plan. A plan can be considered successful if, based on it, you imagine the logical sequence of the German text and can retell it in your own words.

  1. But one plan to quickly learn the German text as close to the original as possible will not be enough. And then keywords come to the rescue.

A keyword is a word in the text, which, together with other keywords of this text, can make it clear the content of the text, its subject matter, and the main points.

There should not be many keywords. They are a kind of “frame” of the text, which cannot be thrown out in any way.

How to choose the right keywords in German text?

You must determine without which words this German text has no meaning, that is, those words that cannot be thrown out.

For example, in the sentence “Today, I don’t remember exactly what time, I have an appointment to see the doctor”, the keywords can be “today”, “visit the doctor”.

Keywords can be combined into expressions, as we see in the example. Thus, you omit all the least important information and leave only the very essence.

Exercise number #1: Highlight keywords

Now you. Highlight keywords in the following sentences:

  1. Ich habe wirklich keine Ahnung, wann es passiert ist.
  2. Meine Schwester isst jeden Morgen gerne Schokolade.
  3. Dieses Auto fährt schneller als das, das du mir gestern gezeigt hast.
  4. Es regnet, deshalb haben wir beschlossen, heute zu Hause zu bleiben.

3 tips to learn German words and texts quickly:

Photo by Ann H from Pexels

✓ As well as when memorizing individual words, it will effectively accompany the memorization of the text with a picture or visualization. Imagine associations as you read text.

✓ To quickly learn German text, it is better to reproduce it in logical parts, into which you divided the text earlier, gradually adding the following parts.

✓ If you need to memorize the text verbatim, then the best solution would be to reproduce the German text in parts in writing, and this must be done several times. Then you can paint over some words with the proofreader, for example, the last one in each sentence, and then add them from memory. Each time, paint over more and more words until there are practically no words left in the text that is not written in your hand.

Step by step plan to learn German text quickly:

So, in order to learn the German text by heart, you need to adhere to the following plan:

  1. We read the German text, we listen to its content.
  2. When reading, we draw a picture in our imagination, or we accompany the reading with an already existing picture.
  3. We divide the German text into logical parts and head them.
  4. In each part, we highlight keywords and expressions.
  5. We play each part from memory.

To consolidate the material, we offer you the following exercise to quickly learn German words:

Exercise number #2: Associative series

Create an associative series for each season. Use a template to memorize your words:

template to memorize your words

Make sentences with each word in the associative series:

Es ist Sommer. Im Sommer ist es heiß …

Memorizing an arbitrary series of words

Make sentences:

  1. Die Sonne, die Tasse, gehen, blau.
  2. Der Rock, liegen, kauen, die Sekretärin.
  3. Der Brief, die Zitrone, messen, leise.
  4. Die Krawatte, braun, brechen, die Spur.
  5. Der Kugelschreiber, sich anmelden, der Junge, laut.

By Amelia