Radiculopathy is a pinched nerve in the spine. It occurs with changes in the surrounding bone and cartilage due to tearing, wear, or injury. These changes may put pressure on the nerve root. The nerve root is part of every spinal nerve that runs from the spinal cord and passes through an opening in the spine.
Radiculopathy, also commonly referred to as pinched nerve, refers to a set of conditions in which one or more nerves are affected and do not work properly (a neuropathy). Radiculopathy can result in pain (radicular pain), weakness, numbness, or difficulty controlling specific muscles. Pinched nerves arise when surrounding bone or tissue, such as cartilage, muscles, or tendons, puts pressure on the nerve and disrupts its function.
From Wikipedia
There are many ways that can prevent this disease, Without lengthening, we choose for you five Easy and effective ways to Prevention of neuropathy:
1. Good postures while standing and sitting
Many Americans spend tons of their time sitting – either at work, at school, or at home. It is important to take a seat properly, and to require frequent breaks:
- Take brief walks around your office or home.
- Gently stretch your muscles every so often to assist relieve muscle tension.
- Don’t cross your legs; keep your feet on the floor, with your ankles in front of your knees.
- Make sure that your feet touch the ground, or if that’s impossible, use a footrest.
- Relax your shoulders; they ought to not be rounded or pulled backward.
- Keep your elbows close to your body. They should be bent between 90 and 120 degrees.
- Make sure that your back is fully supported. Use a back pillow or other back support if your chair doesn’t have a backrest that will support your lower back’s curve.
- Make sure that your thighs and hips are supported. You should have a well-padded seat, and your thighs and hips should be parallel to the ground.
From U.S. National Library of Medicine