
Lemon balm is a spice that can give a dish a unique flavor. Lemon balm is a perennial plant that grows in Asia, Europe, and Africa. A very common type of medicinal lemon balm. Lemon balm is not only in great demand among people but also among bees, as it is a good honey plant. During flowering, lemon balm is able to give bees a large amount of nectar. Lemon balm honey belongs to rare and expensive types of honey.

The benefit of lemon balm is that, due to its rich composition, it is widely used not only in cooking but also for therapeutic purposes.

The benefits and properties of Melissa officinalis

Lemon balm leaves perfectly stimulate appetite, help to restore the normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The thing is that lemon balm is able to speed up the processes in the stomach. Lemon balm contains 0.2% essential oil, the essential oil content varies from 0.38% – 0.45%, depending on the territory. The most common oils are geraniol and citronellal. These oils have more than 200 compounds; geraniol and neral are responsible for the lemon scent. As you know, the benefits of using essential oil are quite wide. It perfectly helps to eliminate headaches, as it has a vasoconstrictor property. If the lemon balm leaves are pressed to the temples, then after a while the headache will disappear.

The beneficial content of Melissa officinalis

Lemon balm contains phenylpropanoids, among which acids are especially distinguished:

  • Rosemary
  • Coffee shop
  • Ursol

Rosemary acid is a source of very powerful antioxidants. This acid penetrates very well through the skin and therefore represents a promising anti-inflammatory effect. It is very effective for the prevention of thrombosis, rheumatism and gout. Ursolic acid is beneficial for muscle walemon balmsting.

The benefit of lemon balm is that it contains:

  • The following groups of vitamins B1, B2
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Manganese

Where the lemon balm plant is used (here you can read about lemon balm – benefits and contraindications) is able to act as a sedative, in other words, an excellent natural antidepressant. One cup of tea with the addition of lemon balm leaves can calm the body and normalize blood pressure. Lemon balm has proven herself to be an antiviral agent. Doctors recommend drinking a decoction of lemon balm leaves during the flu or herpes. Lemon balm infusion is useful for allergy symptoms. The infusion will not only relieve allergies but also remove toxins and toxins from the body. Lemon balm is indispensable during pregnancy. The benefit of lemon balm is that it has an antiemetic effect on the body of a pregnant woman. It is especially necessary to take in case of severe toxicosis.

Lemon balm in cooking

Leaves of lemon balm are widely known in cooking, especially European and American. It goes well with:

  • Grated cheese
  • broths
  • fish dishes
  • for meat.

In Denmark, it is used for canning meat dishes. But so that lemon balm does not lose its wonderful aroma, it is not recommended to boil it. Even dried lemon balm leaves can give a dish a unique taste.

By Amelia